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The University of Science and Philosophy

A New Concept of The Universe: Q&A Panel

A New Concept of The Universe: Q&A Panel

Regular price $50.00 USD
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Walter Russell was often referred to as the modern Leonardo DaVinci. While the world knew him as an artist, he was a scientist at heart. He wrote several books on Universal Law which included new theories on everything from Thermodynamics to Electromagnetism. His first book on the subject, titled “The Universal One”, his friend Nikola Tesla, instructed him to, “lock it in a safe for 1,000 years because man-kind is not ready for this information.”

Speakers are asked to present on the following subject: What is the most significant part of Walter & Lao Russell’s proposed scientific theories for you? What, if any, attempts are being made in our modern scientific world to explore similar theories? In your opinion, what can be done to enhance the study of these theories?

Join us in person at the Russell Museum in Waynesboro, Virginia or tune in online via Zoom!

More information coming soon! Page will be updated frequently!

Speakers: Margaret Ruhe, Scot Vanderpool & Darren Colomb

Master of Ceremonies: Kim Faith & Tim Gillespie (online)

Margaret Ruhe

Margaret Ruhe was introduced to the Russell’s by her high school physics teacher. After her study of the Russell’s book entitled "Atomic Suicide?" she came from Canada to work for Lao for the 10 Yrs prior to Lao’s refolding in 1988. Margaret continued her journey in an effort to learn their New Science through projects with Water Gas, a Hydro Assist module to increase the efficiency of her own car. She also inspired an engineer friend to build a modified GEET Engine onto his lawn mower allowing him to cut his grass with a 50/50 mixture of water & gasoline. Together they also attended a John Bedini workshop and assembled a permanent magnet motor which increased its revolutions each time it was put on additional load, demonstrating the concept of Over Unity. Her current interest is that of The Liberty Engine 2.0 which promises to be a stand alone generator producing 20 kW of power. She would like to discuss its potential viability in today's marketplace. 

Scot Vanderpool

Scot Vanderpool has studied theoretical physics, as a hobby, for 16 years. His passion for the subject led him to study traditional science like Einstein's special and general theory of relativity and nontraditional science where he found Walter Russell. After reading many of Walter and Lao's published science books and some of the unpublished material from the USP archive, he started volunteering at the USP. Scot is actively working to spread the word about Russell's new concept of the universe and hopes to help develop applications of Russell's science. He is always open to discussing science and answering questions!

Darren Colomb

Since 2015 Darren has been replicating the conical coil concept put forth by Dr. Russell in his books, such as described on page 133 of "Atomic Suicide?” in order to validate the Russell Cosmogony as a workable, tenable concept in the realm of unifying understanding of both physics and metaphysics. Darren directed active research involving alternative electrical generator designs to alleviate mankind from energy dependency and replace the need for fossil fuel derived energy sources. Darren has since transitioned from the University continuing his efforts in new applications of energy generation technology in the private sector.

10:00 am – 11:00 am – Meet and Great. Breakfast Provided
11:00 am - 11:10 am - MC Intro to Day
11:10 am - 11:45 am - Margaret Ruhe
11:45 am - 12:20 pm - Scot Vanderpool
12:20 pm - 12:55 pm - Darren Colomb
Break (Snacks and beverages provided)
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm - Panel Q&A
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