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The University of Science and Philosophy

Home Study Course, Special 3rd Edition

Home Study Course, Special 3rd Edition

Regular price $250.00 USD
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The Home Study Course Special 3rd Edition now has enhanced text and colorful images!

This course is meant to be studied over a period of one year, at one unit per month. Composed of 12 individual books assembled into a 4 inch binder, 934 pages. 

Pay in full to receive the entire course at once OR Subscribe & Save to receive one unit a month for twelve months at $25 a unit. 

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Dear Reader,

This course of study is written for those who have felt the deep urge within them to know that rare experience known as Cosmic Conscious Illumination, which comes only to those whose inner sensory perception is beginning to unfold. Those who are thus illumined, even if by but a flash of the Cosmic Light, reach the greatest heights of mental exaltation that it is possible for humans to know.

Many thousands in this day and age are on the verge of feeling the awakening of that divine spark of inner vision and inner knowing which sets them to seeking -- seeking they know not what, nor where to
look for that "something" that will satisfy their inner longing.

The study course begins with a scientific explanation of meditation, or communion with God, and is followed by a scientific explanation of prayer. Also included is a scientific explanation of Cosmic Consciousness and that rarest of all human experiences know as THE ILLUMINATION.

Our study course is for the purpose of aiding you to make that transition. For this reason the teaching of the power to open the door to the Light of your Self, through an understanding of what meditation means, is paramount and begins the course. The Course is for the purpose of making you know the invisible universe in order to manifest your
knowing in the visible universe

1. Every intense student of our course can become a consummate PHILOSOPHER because the living philosophy of our teachings gives him wisdom and power to control his destiny.

2. He can be a consummate SCIENTIST because he becomes so thoroughly familiar with God's motivative forces and processes that his knowledge gives him the power to command all matter to obey his will.

3. He can be a consummate DOCTOR and Natural healer, for he knows how God restores balance and normalcy to unbalanced bodies and minds which needlessly fill our hospitals and mental institutions.

4. He can be a consummate LAWYER, for he knows all of Nature's Law of rhythmic balanced interchange from which man builds his principles of justice, symbolized by balanced scales.

5. He can be a consummate LEADER, for his knowledge of Nature's laws and processes gives him command over material forces, and gives him wisdom to command his own destiny, which a leader must have before he can command the destiny of other men.

6. He can become the consummate MATHEMATICIAN, for in his hands he holds the master key to mathematics which lies in the repetitive sequences of the octave wave of nine tones of the wave spectrum that vibrate between the equilibrium zeros which eternally end his nines to begin them again at one.

7 . Or he can become t he consummate POET, MUSICIAN, PAINTER, SCULPTOR, ARCHITECT. ENGINEER, INVENTOR and other genius interpreters of Nature's rhythms and harmonies, that alone lie in the living heartbeat of this universe which is but an infinite multiple of one octave wave.

These also define what we mean by the transformation of the physical man, whose conclusions are drawn from the evidence of his senses, to cosmic man, who knows CAUSE which lies behind the EFFECTS that his senses alone perceive.

Develop Inner Thinking and Creative Expression
While initial study should be done in solitude, families and groups of friends should study this course together and discuss it together, for by such interchange each one helps the other. Children of families should be "reared" upon this new cosmic knowledge. It will make greater men and women of them by developing their inner thinking and creative expression.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 31 reviews
Lifetime EPIC

Walter's and Lao's legacy that comes to you when you are ready for it. It found it's way to me a long time ago but it was just this year that I decided to buy the actual Home Study Course . Very well packaged and delivered in just a couple of days to The Netherlands. The only regret I have is that I did not buy it sooner 💛

Lisa Mokry
Five Star

I have just received the Home Study Course along with the starter set bundle. It arrived in pristine condition (internationally to Canada) thanks to individual who packaged it with such loving care and attention. Thank-you. Very much looking forward to start.

Monday Adeosun
Gratitude for Receipt of My Home Study Course

I have read two of Lao Russell's books, Love and God Will Work With You, Not For You. They were awesome. I have looked forward for the Home Study Course. I received it two days ago and I have started the study.

Thank you so much.

Dr. Johnny Cash

This homestudy course LITERALLY picks up where the Rosicrucian teachings leave off! As a student of the Rosicrucian teachings for the past 48 years, I can tell you authoritatively as an absolute fact, that studying this course will save you YEARS of unnecessary research. I’m available to share with you or your group THE POWER of this Aquarian age homestudy course. Having experienced multitudinous episodes of cosmic consciousness, I can truly vouch for the AUTHENTICITY of the teaching, as being Divine in origin, apart from the fact that the material provides practical solutions to every day life issues.

Dave B.

I first heard the name Walter Russell a few months ago. When I heard his name, he sounded so familiar to me - but I didn't know why. I next read his book "The Secret of Light" and I knew right then this was information I'd been searching for my whole life (I'm 67). Once I learned Walter and his wife Lao had written and compiled a home study course, I couldn't order it fast enough. I didn't have to wait long as it shipped the same day I ordered it and arrived a few days later carefully packaged (I ordered the complete 12 unit course). I'm now halfway through the course and I can honestly say it has significantly changed my life for the better and given me bountiful spiritual treasure. The message is deeply profound yet so simple at the same time. There is a poetic rhythmic quality to it and even the space between the words shines through authenticating the Divine nature of the teaching (something the Russell's talk about). I am so blessed to have received this material and encourage others to do the same. The world needs this priceless knowledge more than ever. Thank you Walter & Lao Russell and USP!